From Tolerance To Friendship: Transforming How Kids See Disability

Traditional lessons fall short, lacking real-world context.

Get this transformative approach for true peer inclusion.

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If you’re a school leader dedicated to inclusivity and understanding of every student, but not sure where to start...

Educating Outside The Lines is your solution.

Yes, I want this program for my school!

When we transform how children see and understand disabilities, we reshape the world's perspective.

15% of the world's population has a visible or hidden disability. Every one of your students will know someone who does—let's teach them to understand and embrace those differences.


Why do schools need this Disability Awareness Program?

With this Program you're not just teaching inclusion; you're fostering a generation that values and practices empathy and understanding daily.

  • Traditional education methods often miss the mark on teaching inclusion effectively. Our course introduces innovative learning strategies that engage students deeply, fostering a genuine understanding and acceptance of diversity.

  • Empathy is the cornerstone of inclusion. Our curriculum is designed to build empathy by helping children understand the perspectives and experiences of their peers with disabilities, promoting a more inclusive environment.  Reducing bullying and exclusion of students with differences.

  • Knowledge without application is like a book that's never read. Our course emphasizes real-world application, providing students with practical ways to apply their understanding of inclusion in their daily interactions. 

Yes, It Really Is Possible!

If we can change the way children see disability we can change the world.

"This is a great program to help create and mold the younger generations to be more open and understanding…"

– R.Q., Nonprofit Program Manager

I want access to this program at my school

Imagine a Classroom Where Every Child Feels Accepted and Understood


What's Included In The Program

Engaging, fun, and new learning that reaches every student in every single one of your classrooms.



Each year has their own curriculum that is grade specific. Each year students will receive and learn new information.

  • Kindergarten: We Are All Alike, We Are All Different
  • First Grade: Helping Tools and Technology
  • Second Grade: HIdden Disabilities Through Play
  • Third Grade: Vision and Hearing Disabilities
  • Fourth Grade: Adaptive Sports and Physical Disabilities
  • Fifth Grade: Hidden Disabilities and Learning Differences
Get these grades now!


Each year has their own curriculum that is grade specific. Each year students will receive and learn new information.

  • Sixth Grade: Prosthetic Design
  • Seventh Grade: Inclusive Playground Design
  • Eighth Grade: Bullying and Self Concept
Join the waitlist and be the first to know when these grades are available.

What teacher resources are in each grade?

Each portal includes:

  • Teacher Training Video
  • Welcome Video for Class
  • Presentation and Speaker Videos
  • Activities
    Associated Lesson Plan and SEL Alignment
    Hand-Outs and Printables
  • Parent Take Home Piece
  • Resources

It is a simple plug-and-play format designed to add

no extra work for teachers!

This sounds great! My school needs this now!

"We have implemented this program in our district for the last 4 years–it is high quality!"

– H.C., Assistant Superintendent

"My kids talked about what they learned for weeks after the program."

– K.S., Parent

You likely have concerns but let us ease your  mind…

  • It will take too much time out of teaching!
    Nope, it only takes 30-40 minutes total classroom time!

  • We already have a Social Emotional Learning platform, won’t this be the same thing?
    While your current SEL platform may touch on disabilities, it definitely lacks the depth and the consistency of addressing disabilities throughout your academic year. In every classroom, a significant percentage of students have physical, hidden,  and or learning differences that are not fully included and or understood

  • We don't have funds!
    If you receive Title I funding, EOTL is already an approved program and aligns with the curriculum.  Often your school's PTO groups have allocated funding for things that help every student in every classroom.  

Educating Outside The Lines

Primary Member Price! K-5


SAVE $1000 if purchased before 15 Sept 2024


We understand that US schools have to go through a Board of Education approval process. We will provide a non-binding contract to hold the price while this happens and have 5 downloadable Board of Education documents to make this process no stress for educators.

Yes, I'd like to join before the start of the school year!

Grades 6-8


Join the waitlist!

This program is currently being taught in-person by our fantastic facilitators. Email us to see if we can come in to your school OR join our waitlist and be the first to know when this program is available online!

[email protected]

I'd like to know when this becomes available online!


Early Bird offer ends in:









"We have implemented this program in our district for the last 4 years–it is high quality!"

– H.C., Assistant Superintendent


*in person courses available also, please inquire for pricing.

To secure Primary Member pricing for your school or district, with a non-binding contract and pending Board of Education approval -OR- if you are a Title I funded school and would like more information on how to utilize funding for this program please email [email protected]


For schools outside of the US please email [email protected] 

Are you a School Leader?

To truly cultivate an inclusive and harmonious school culture, it’s essential for school leaders to educate the entire student body and staff about the unique qualities of every student.

A culture of respect and inclusion starts with you, benefiting every child, parent, and staff member in your school or district.

Are Your Students with Disabilities truly Included?

We often say all students are included, but genuine inclusion, understanding, and acceptance are profoundly different.

Are Your Teachers Overwhelmed by the Challenge of Creating a Cohesive Classroom?

Teachers strive to build community and cohesion, yet they struggle to meet the diverse needs of all their students. They need support to achieve this balance.

Are Parents of Students with Disabilities Expressing Frustration and Fear?

Helping all students understand and accept their peers with differences can ease these concerns, allowing passionate parents to feel confident that their children are socially and academically supported.

This sounds great! My school needs this now!

All elements of EOTL have been created with intention and respect for teachers, students, parents and school leaders

Educating Outside The Lines

Learn more about us, who we are & why we're so passionate. You can also find more information and statistics on our website.

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